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Services Spotlight: Individualized Home Supports (W/O Training)


The purpose of the “Service Spotlight” is to provide general information about services available to persons who need, or already receive, disability services through Minnesota Department of Human Services through the MA State Plan or through a Disability Waiver Program. This article is not meant to be an authoritative source for how a service will meet an individual’s specific needs, but to provide a summary of a service for consideration of how that service could potentially help meet an individual’s needs. The information that follows was adapted from MN-DHS: Community-Based Services Manual.

  • Service Name: Individualized Home Supports (Without Training) or IHS w/out training Funding Source/Program: Must be on a Waiver- Brain Injury (BI), Developmental Disability (DD), Community Alternative Care (CAC), and Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI)

  • DHS Waiver Re-Imagined Service (As of January 2021): Yes

  • Services Replaced (Retired): Personal Support Services (BI/CAC/CADI/DD) AND Adult Companion Services (BI/CAC/CADI) are no longer available.

- Current recipients of Personal Support or Adult Companion services should speak with their Case Manager for authorization of new service during their 2021 renewal meeting for waiver services.

  • Service Description: Individualized Home Supports (Without Training) can be provided to adults or children when they need support in the form of reminders, guidance, assistance, and/or supervision to provide for their continued experience living in the community. Note: This service does not include teaching, learning, or skill building for a person to be able to gain or become independent with a task.

- IHS-without training provides services that help a person work toward a person’s goals, specifically when teaching or training the person is NOT necessary to achieve their identified goals.

- IHS-without Training covers Support services in the following areas: Community Participation/Health, Safety and Wellness/Household Management/Adaptive Skills

§ Community Participation: Support in this area could include assistance traveling safely in the community, using and accessing resources in the community, and planning for social or leisure activities.

§ Health, Safety and Wellness: Support in this area could include providing reminders or supervision for completing self-cares like bathing or taking medication, in addition to planning strategies to arrange and attend healthcare appointments.

§ Household Management: Support in this area could include support to complete household chores, budgeting, cooking/meal preparation, and housing support strategies.

§ Adaptive Skills: Support in this area could include assistance with crisis prevention (safety, mental/physical health, etc.), promoting positive support strategies, and support to increase positive behaviors that reduce other challenging behaviors.

  • Service Options: This service can be provided in-person in the community or within a person’s own home/family home. Additionally, this service includes supports that can be provided remotely, over the phone or video chat, that can assist with check-ins, reminders, cues, and problem-solving at the times when the person receiving the service chooses.

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