Life Fountain provides home and community-based services for individuals all over the Twin Cities Metro Area, but how do you get started and join Life Fountain? Please know we accept various insurances such as: Blue Cross Blue Shield, Health Partners, Medical Assistance, Ucare, or Medica. We also accept waivers and other options. To get started knowing what approved services and hours is important. If you have not done an evaluation it is recommended you speak with your insurance directly or your county.
If you have completed an evaluation and know your services, you will:
Need to call your case manager, care coordinator, or the individual helping you obtain services and let them know you are interested in joining Life Fountain. Once Life Fountain hears from this individual, they will be instructed to fill out our company referral and provide paperwork needed to appropriately provide you the supports you need.
Or if you do not have a case manager or someone who is assisting you, please feel free to fill out our company referral located on our website. You may also contact Life Fountain directly to get started!
Once information is received, our company intake coordinator will reach out to you about your schedule and staffing needs. The Life Fountain Intake Coordinator will provide guidance while you transfer your services and will request information to get you on our transfer list. The Intake Coordinator will also help set you up with a supervisor.
You may be asking why do I need a supervisor? A supervisor is the person most familiar with your services and your needs who can help you: if you are approved for more services, if you need staff or coverage, if you have questions about how many hours you have remaining or getting the required paperwork completed. These are the few things you supervisor will help you with. You can find more information under our Article, The Importance of a QP.
Your new supervisor will call you directly wand set an intake meeting with you. The Intake meetings are done to get to know you and complete paperwork. The information gathered will help train in your staff once they are ready to start services with you. If you have your own staff or an interested in finding your own staff some suggestion are we can give you is asking if a neighbor, community member, a family member, a church pal, or a friend is interested in supporting and providing services? Please know if these options will not work, Life Fountain can provide staff.
If you have more questions or would like us to clarify any of the above, please give us a call and request to speak with our Intake Coordinator.